Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. Taylor and Fraicis Online; 2007. Factors influencing prices of medicinal plants traded in the Lowveld, South Africa.
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Downloads: 283
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M, Fairbanks, Dean H K. Taylor and Francis Online; 2004. Socio-economic differentiation in the trade of wildlife species for traditional medicines in the Lowveld, South Africa: Implications for resource management initiatives.
Hits: 1436
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Downloads: 68
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. AOSIS Publishing; 2004. Harvesting impacts on commonly used medicinal tree species (Catha edulis and Rapanea melanophloeos) under different land management regimes in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South Africa.
Hits: 3144
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Downloads: 64
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. ; 2004. The impact of commercial harvesting on Warburgia salutaris (‘pepper-bark tree’) in Mpumalanga, South Africa.
Hits: 1104
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Downloads: 390
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. Market profiles and trade in medicinal plants in the Lowveld, South Africa. 2004.
Hits: 1893
Visitors: 2076
Downloads: 200
Shackleton, Charlie M, Botha, Jenny, Emanuel, P L. Taylor and Francis Online; 2003. Productivity and abundance of Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra in and around rural settlements and protected areas of the Bushbuckridge lowveld, South Africa.
Hits: 1346
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Downloads: 132
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. AOSIS Publishing; 2002. A comparison of anthropogenic and elephant disturbance on Acacia xanthophloea (fever tree) populations in the Lowveld, South Africa.
Hits: 1863
Visitors: 1957
Downloads: 104
Botha, Jenny, Witkowski, Ed T F, Shackleton, Charlie M. AOSIS Publishing; 2001. An inventory of medicinal plants traded on the western boundary of the Kruger National Park, South Africa.